Wednesday, May 23, 2012

This has not been updated in a long time. I still blame Cacky for that.  
I figured we would start with the driveway. We clearly needed a driveway, we practically park on our lawn.
The driveway have been a nightmare.  I found some people on craigslist that claimed to have equipment issues and kept delaying.  Finally I went home for lunch and the people were at my house working on the driveway. It was a redneck family, a Dad, a wife and their daughter that were trying to dig out the diveway by hand.
When I first say this I asked a few questions and figured they knew what they were talking about. 
When I arrived home after work I was very concerned. They had done a day of work, concrete was to be poured the next day and they weren't even half way done digging.  I decided to go out and take some measurements to see what kind of job they had done. 
The agreement was for a 4 inch thick 3500psi concrete driveway.
Below are some of the pictures from my measurements.

Well, that didn't go well at all. I wrote and email expressing my concerns. 
The rednecks did not like this at all and sent back degrading angry comments and then quit.
This was a great thing, now I could hire someone who knows what they are doing.
I was able to find a new company the next morning who planned on pouring concrete by lunch time. I took a video of how this driveway digging process is supposed to look. It took this guy about 5 seconds to dig out about 20% of the driveway.

Just before the new crew came in I decided to install new posts for the gates that would eventually go in.

For the record there is no way 3 red necks could have done this job, the new crew was about 6 people are the worked their behinds off to get the job done.

We are very happy with the end result, but what a mess was left of the lawn after this project.... More info on that in the next entry.
If you leave this page with one bit of information it should be, don't let red necks try to dig your driveway by hand.

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