Friday, July 23, 2010

New Roof

Still Eamonn posting.  Hopefully after things get caught up Cacky will keep up with this.
When we bought the house there were leaks in the roof, actauly there was a hole in one place as well.  Dan and I had patched the roof (mostly him). 
It rained one day while we were at work. When we got home the kitchen table was soaked.  I thought, oh crap, I guess I knew this day was coming.  I sent an email out to alpha omega roofing and had them come look at the house.  They gave me what I thought I be a very reasonable estimate, so I also had them look at the garage.  Cacky and I decided to go with architectural shingles over standard ones because they look better, are supposed to last longer and aren't that much more money.
Roof on a truck
Half way done ripping off the roof in the back

Roof Complete
I was really excited that the roofers got done before the big storm that was about to come the following monday.  I cracked a few jokes about my kitchen table at least being dry before leaving work.  When I got home the kitchen table was soaked again....  Oh crap, I went and looked at the roof, it looked perfect.  Then I remember that there was a window above where it was leaking, and that I had opened that storm window a few weeks ago.  I looked closer at the window and there was no drain holes at all.  The water filled up the window sill like a fish tank untill it leaked through the wooden sill onto the table.  I cleaned it out and closed the storm window.  It hasn't leaked since.  I guess I will add that to the list of things that need to be done.

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